Smart Teams

Our dedicated development team models

Topdot specializes in constructing dedicated development teams tailored to the needs of businesses seeking streamlined product creation, rapid scalability, or the integration of skilled professionals into their existing teams. We grant our partners access to our technological, business, and infrastructure resources, adapting our development methodologies to align seamlessly with their requirements and processes while taking full accountability for every stage of the development journey.

Comprehensive Development Solutions

  • Our full-service development approach entails providing access to a dedicated offshore development center tailored specifically for your project needs. You retain control over team selection and communication, or opt for a streamlined engagement with a project manager, ensuring transparency and visibility throughout the process. We guarantee the seamless operation of the team and take full accountability for deliverables.

Enhanced In-House Team Support

  • We enhance your in-house capabilities by integrating our engineering, testing, and support specialists into your team. Our experts continually refine their domain-specific skills and seamlessly integrate them into your established processes and methodologies. This collaborative model enables you to leverage our R&D and engineering expertise while benefiting from the synergy of combined resources.

Efficient DevOps Integration

  • Our DevOps team is dedicated to streamlining the build, testing, shipping, running, and monitoring of IT assets, ensuring faster delivery of scalable products with minimal delays. Additionally, you can enlist our DevOps experts to automate various stages of your in-house software delivery process, including infrastructure management, CI/CD, or deployment, accelerating your product's time-to-market.

Distributed Teams: Effective Collaboration Strategies

Common Infrastructure

Streamline your development process with integrated codebases, a single CI server, and automated hourly builds, ensuring cohesion and efficiency across your projects.

Inter-team Alignment

Foster collaboration and synergy among teams through technology alignment, tool matching, and knowledge transfer, maximizing productivity and innovation.

Multi-team Management

Seamlessly manage multiple teams with accountable role assignments, real-time project progress tracking, and insightful analysis of completed project phases, empowering effective project governance.


Cultivate a collaborative environment with project management tools, wikis, and blogs, and shared mailing lists, facilitating knowledge sharing and fostering a sense of community among team members.


Enhance team communication and coordination with structured sprint planning, regular standups, and retrospectives, promoting transparency, alignment, and continuous improvement within your teams.

Trusted by Great Companies