The Impact of Digital Transformation on the Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry is undergoing a digital transformation. This move is revolutionizing the way we practice medicine, improving patient experience and increasing efficiency while reducing costs.

As we move into a new era of healthcare, providers are prioritizing a patient-centric model. And the benefits of this shift are numerous: not only does it allow patients to have more control over their own care, but it also helps make providers more efficient in their workflows and day-to-day operations.

But how does digital transformation affect the healthcare industry? And how can you prepare your organization for this change? For starters, let's look at what digital transformation means for healthcare.

What is digital transformation in the health industry?

In summary, digital transformation involves using technology to address challenges such as improving patient outcomes, lowering costs, and increasing efficiency.

Areas of impact

  • Improved patient engagement: These days, patients want more control over their care and complete access to information about their treatment. With digital tools, providers can achieve this level of service. For example, by offering automated reminders about upcoming appointments or sending appointment reminders via text or email.
  • Improved patient engagement: These days, patients want more control over their care and complete access to information about their treatment. With digital tools, providers can achieve this level of service. For example, by offering automated reminders about upcoming appointments or sending appointment reminders via text or email.
  • Increased revenue potential through online sales channels: According to a recent survey conducted by Accenture, 87% of consumers say they would prefer to purchase prescription drugs online rather than in person at a pharmacy because it’s more convenient and saves time. The same study found that consumers would be willing to pay up to 30% more for medications purchased online than those purchased in person.
  • The use of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, blockchain, and cloud computing can help physicians make faster and more accurate diagnoses and treatment decisions. It also allows hospitals to improve their operational efficiency and quality of care for patients.
  • Digital transformation is making health data more accessible to patients and providers, which means that doctors can use real-time data from wearable devices to improve patient outcomes. This can include everything from heart rate monitors to blood pressure cuffs to mobile devices.
  • Patient experience will become more important than ever as consumers demand more from their doctors' visits. They want to feel like they're getting the most out of their time spent with the doctor, whether it's by having a convenient way to book appointments or staying up-to-date on their health conditions after leaving the office.


The healthcare industry may have started out as one of the slowest industries to embrace digital transformation, but that's quickly changing. With hospitals working to provide high-quality care at lower costs, and IT solutions looking to streamline efficiency throughout the system, digital transformation is here to stay.

The increasing adoption of digital technologies within healthcare organizations helps to reduce health costs, ultimately benefiting everyone—patients, patients, and their providers alike.

Want to start executing a digital transformation for higher ROI? Reach out to us at TopDot.